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  • Summary
  • Aftercare Guidelines
  • Discharge Care
  • in Patient Care
  • En Español


What do I need to learn about paraplegia?

Paraplegia is paralysis of part of one`s trunk, thighs, and pelvic organs. Paraplegia is caused by injury to your spinal cord. When the spinal cord is damaged, then you shed movement and feeling. Your symptoms can depend on seriousness and the location of one`s spinal cord injury.

What treatments might I desire?

You need to stay in the hospital right. You will then be moved to a rehabilitation center. The goal of rehabilitation is to help you learn how to take care of your self as far as you possibly can. A group of healthcare providers can allow you to learn how to work with paraplegia. Ask for more information on some of the rehabilitation treatments:

  • Natual skin care aids in preventing pressure sores. Specialists can help you find out just how to maintain your skin hydrated.
  • A physical therapist teaches you exercises to help improve strength and movement. Physical therapists assist you to learn the way to stay active. They will teach you how you can use a wheel chair as well as also just how to move out of a bed.
  • An occupational therapist teaches you skills to help with your daily activities, like getting dressed or bathing. Occupational therapists teach abilities to you.
  • Bowel and bladder programs allow you to manage when you inhale or have a bowel movement.

When if I or someone near me contact my health provider?

  • You have a fever.
  • You`ve got trouble urinating or urinate less than usual.
  • Your tummy is bloated and firm.
  • You`ve got blood in your urine or bowel movement.
  • You`ve questions or concerns about your condition or maintenance.

When can I seek immediate attention or call 911?

  • You truly feel lightheaded, short of breath, also have chest pain.
  • You cough up blood.
  • Your arm or leg feels warm, tender, and painful. It may seem red and swollen.
  • You`ve blurred vision or see spots.
  • You`ve got cold, dry skin with goose bumps below your spinal cord injury.
  • You`ve got hot, sweaty, red skin above your spinal cord injury.
  • You have a sudden throbbing headache.

Care Agreement

You`ve the right to help plan your attention. Understand your wellbeing condition and how it could be treated. Discuss treatment options with your caregivers to decide what care you want to get. You will have the right. The information is an educational aid only. It isn`t intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk with your physician, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see whether it`s safe and effective .

Further advice

Always seek advice from with your healthcare provider to be sure the information relates to your circumstances.

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