
Medications for Hyperlipoproteinemia

Around Hyperlipoproteinemia:  Hyperlipoproteinemia is an increase in the lipoprotein concentration of this blood.

See also: sub-topics

Drugs Used in the Treatment of Hyperlipoproteinemia

The following list of medications come used in the treatment of this illness, or somehow related to.

Medication name Rx / OTC Pregnancy CSA AlcoholReviewsRatingPopularity
fenofibrateRx C N 1 2  testimonials

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Brand titles:  TriCor, Antara, Lipofen, Lofibra, Tri-glide, Fenoglide...reveal all

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

LipitorRx X N Add review

Generic title: atorvastatin systemic

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

TriCorRx C N 3 testimonials

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

atorvastatinRx X N Inch  review

Generic title: atorvastatin systemic

Brand title:  Lipitor

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

CrestorRx X N Two  testimonials

Generic title: rosuvastatin systemic

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

pravastatinRx X N Add review

Generic title: pravastatin systemic

Brand title:  Pravachol

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

PravacholRx X N Add review

Generic title: pravastatin systemic

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

simvastatinRx X N Inch  review

Generic title: simvastatin systemic

Brand titles:  Zocor, FloLipid

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

NiaspanRx/OTC C N X Inch  review

Generic title: niacin systemic

Medicine course: vitamins, mixed antihyperlipidemic brokers

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

gemfibrozilRx C N Add review

Generic title: gemfibrozil systemic

Brand title:  Lopid

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

ZocorRx X N Add review

Generic title: simvastatin systemic

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

ColestidRx N N Add review

Generic title: colestipol systemic

Medicine class: bile acid sequestrants

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

rosuvastatinRx X N Two  testimonials

Generic title: rosuvastatin systemic

Brand title:  Crestor

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

colestipolRx N N Two  testimonials

Generic title: colestipol systemic

Brand titles:  Colestid, Colestid Flavored

Medicine class: bile acid sequestrants

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

LopidRx C N Add review

Generic title: gemfibrozil systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

WelcholRx B N Add review

Generic title: colesevelam systemic

Medicine class: bile acid sequestrants

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

niacinRx/OTC C N X Inch  review

Generic title: niacin systemic

Brand titles:  Niaspan, Slo-Niacin, Niacin SR, B-3-50, Niacor, Nicotinex, B3-500-Gr...reveal all

Medicine course: vitamins, mixed antihyperlipidemic brokers

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

AntaraRx C N Add review

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

cholestyramineRx C N 3 testimonials

Generic title: cholestyramine systemic

Brand titles:  Prevalite, Cholestyramine Light

Medicine class: bile acid sequestrants

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

LipofenRx C N Add review

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

lovastatinRx X N Add review

Generic title: lovastatin systemic

Brand titles:  Altocor, Altoprev

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

colesevelamRx B N Add review

Common title: colesevelam systemic

Brand title:  Welchol

Medicine class: bile acid sequestrants

For users: dosage, interactions,

For specialists: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

LofibraRx C N Add review

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

TriglideRx C N Add review

Generic title: fenofibrate systemic

Medicine class: fibric acid derivatives

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For specialists: Prescribing Information

LescolRx X N Add review

Generic title: fluvastatin systemic

Medication class: statins

For users: dosage, interactions, and side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information

Themes under Hyperlipoproteinemia

  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IIa, Elevated LDL (30 drugs)
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IIb, Elevated LDL VLDL (30 drugs)
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type III, Elevated beta-VLDL IDL (10 drugs)
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV, Elevated VLDL (26 drugs)
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type V, Elevated Chylomicrons VLDL (17 drugs)


OTCOver the Counter
Rx/OTCPrescription or Over The Counter
Away Prizes This medication might not be approved by the FDA for treating this illness.
Pregnancy Category
Asufficient and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus within the first trimester of pregnancy (also there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters).
BAnimal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
CAnimal reproduction studies have demonstrated an adverse effect in the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but possible benefits may warrant used in pregnant women despite potential risks.
Dthere was positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but possible benefits may justify used in pregnant women despite potential risks.
XStudies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there`s positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and also the risks involved with used in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.
NFDA has not classified this drug.
Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Program
Nisn`t subject to the Controlled Substances Act.
Inch features a high potential for abuse. Has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. There is just a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.
Two features a high potential for abuse. Includes a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. Psychotherapy can cause severe emotional or physical dependency.
3Has a possibility for abuse less than those in programs 1 and 2 2. Includes a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Psychotherapy can lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.
4features a low potential for abuse relative to individuals in schedule 3. It`s a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Psychotherapy can lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence.
5features a low potential for abuse relative to individuals in schedule 4. Includes a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Psychotherapy can lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence.
XInteracts with Medication.

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Further information

Always seek advice from your healthcare provider to ensure the information pertains to your circumstances.

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